Search Results: "Hümeyra Özturan" (4 showing results)
M. Cüneyt Kaya (ed.), Islamic Philosophy: History and Problems [İslâm Felsefesi: Tarih ve Problemler]
Year: 2014 (November) / Volume: 1 / Issue: 1
Muhammed Âbid el-Câbirî. Arap Ahlâkî Aklı [The Moral Reason of the Arabs]
Year: 2017 (May) / Volume: 3 / Issue: 2
The Practical Philosophy of Al-Farabı and Avicenna: A Comparison
Year: 2019 (May) / Volume: 5 / Issue: 1
Janne Mattila. The Eudaimonist Ethics of al-Fārābī and Avicenna, Leiden: Brill, 2022.
Volume: 10 / Issue: 1