The unique copy of al-Majālis al-sab‘ bayna al-Shaykh wa al-‘Āmirī (Ragıp Paşa Library 1461, ff. 150a-162b)
consists of seven sessions including fourty-one questions and answers. While the name of al-‘Āmirī (d. 381/992)
does not appear in the texts except for the title, we understand from the phrases at the end that the al-Shaykh in
the title corresponds to Ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037). In this article, I will broadly describe structural characteristics of
al-Majālis and examine the historical and geographical possibility of the philosophical debate between al-‘Āmirī
and Ibn Sīnā outlined in al-Majālis. Then, I will compare the philosophical approach in the first three sessions of
al-Majālis, where the stages of the coming of the universe into being are treated, with al-‘Āmirī’s extant works. I
can talk two principal conclusions of the article: (i) It was historically and geographically possible that young Ibn
Sînâ and his older contemporary al-‘Āmirī could make the debate told in al-Majālis. (ii) The examination and com-
parison for the first three sessions of al-Majālis shows that the answers are mostly consistent with the approach
of al-‘Āmirī according to his extant works and this leads me to conclude that the one asks questions or comments
is Ibn Sînâ while the one answers is al-‘Āmirī.