
Muhammad Amın al-Shirwanı’s Treatise on Eschatology: An Analysis and Critical Edition of Risalah fı tahqiq al-mabda’ wa-al-ma‘ad


Muhammad Amīn al-Shirwānī was a seventeenth-century Ottoman thinker known for his works in the
rational and traditional sciences. In this article, his treatise on the corporeal afterlife (ma‘ād al-jismānī) was analyz-
ed, translated, and edited. The text conveyed the claim that several aspects concerning the states of the afterlife
(e.g., the resurrection, the intermediate realm, heaven, and hell) could be elucidated by setting out of the world of
imagination (mundus imaginalis). The mainstays of his argument were the expositions of the Illuminationists and
Ibn ‘Arabī concerning the world of images. On this matter, he focused upon the world of images provided by the
Qur’anic verses. By the end of the treatise, four concepts (viz,. spirit, soul, heart, and intellect) borrowed from al-
Ghazālī’s Ihyā’ ‘ulūm al-dīn, and the matters of the heart, were explicated with respect to the human reality.


Muhammad Amīn al-Shirwānī eschatology the world of imagination Ottoman thought Illumina- tionism Ibn al-‘Arabī tradition the human reality