Search Results: "Ömer Türker" (5 showing results)
Being and Meaning: Fakhr al-Dın al-Razı and His Followers on the Identity of Knowledge and the Known
Year: 2014 (November) / Volume: 1 / Issue: 1
The Possibility of Thinking on Existence: An Analysis Following the Traditions of Islamic Metaphysics
Year: 2015 (November) / Volume: 1 / Issue: 3
Yunus Cengiz. Doğa ve Öznellik: Câhız’ın Ahlâk Düşüncesi [Nature and Subjectivity: Al-Jāḥiẓ’s Ethical Thought]
Year: 2019 (May) / Volume: 5 / Issue: 1
Qutb al-Din al-Razi on the Notion of Assent and Its Philosophical Implications
Year: 2019 (November) / Volume: 5 / Issue: 2